Adelson, Andy, Meraj, Sina and Prof. Muller present research at the BWRC retreat

Students Adelson Chua, Andy Zhou, Sina Faraji and Meraj Ghanbari all presented their research at the Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC) Summer 2020 Virtual Research Conference held May 20-21. The conference is held biannually providing an avenue for students and their advisers, through posters and presentations, to share their research results to the industry sponsors of BWRC. Prof. Muller gave a lab research overview entitled "Neural nets for neural nets" on the first day of the conference. Adelson presented "On-chip unsupervised online learning for seizure detection", Andy presented “Continuous Learning with Hyperdimesional Computing for Biosignal Classification,” and Sina and Meraj covered "ML-assisted multi-implant ultrasonic communication."


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