Sina presents at IEEE EMBC


Graduate student Sina Faraji Alamouti presents a paper titled "High throughput ultrasonic multi-implant readout using machine-learning assisted CDMA receiver" at the 42nd IEEE EMBS Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC'20) held on July 20-24, 2020. The paper, authored together with fellow graduate student Meraj Ghanbari, addresses challenges in establishing simultaneous ultrasonic communication and achieving megabits-per-second channel capacity from multiple ultrasonic implants. A recording of the presentation, presented on July 20, is available at the videos section of the website.

SF Alamouti*, MM Ghanbari*, NT Ersumo, R Muller, “High throughput ultrasonic multi-implant readout using machine-learning assisted CDMA receiver,” EMBS Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), 2020.


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